“We all talk to ourselves. A major key to success exists in what we say to ourselves, which helps to shape our attitude and mindset.”

– Darren Johnson

Affirmations are meant to encourage a life of positivity and gratitude. Affirmations are a never-ending practice meant to enrich your life and help you go after goals. A recent study shows that using affirmations help you to stay positive and also may have health benefits. When added to your yoga or meditation practice it can enhance your mental well being and help you to stay on a positive track. Before each time you prepare to do yoga or meditate set your intention, as you breathe and move you can direct your efforts towards your goal. To continue to reinforce the positive message take a minute or two to meditate on your intention at the end of each practice.

Below are ten of my favorite affirmations to enrich and transform your life:

  1. Inhale Joy, Exhale Love
  2. I am love
  3. I am guided by inner wisdom
  4. My mind is relaxed & clear
  5. I am grateful
  6. I am peaceful & calm
  7. I am a radiant being filled with light & love
  8. I am healthy & strong
  9. I love & approve of myself
  10. I am grounded in acceptance

I hope that this helps to inspire you to start using affirmations in your daily life and I hope this also inspires you to create your own affirmations to help enrich your life. Share with us below!